![]() My name is Charles A. Schacht but am usually called Chuck or Charlie. I’m 58 years old, originally from west central Ilinois (Galesburg), but have lived down in Tulsa for the past 18 years. My wife Bobbi and I have no children and will be celebrating our 37th (may be 38th, I don’t keep track of dates very well) wedding anniversary on the 10th of August. I’ve taught in the public schools of Illinois for several years, returned to school myself for advanced degrees, and was hired as an Assoc. Prof. at the University of Chicago where I taught and coached for 12 years. We came down here to Tulsa 18 years ago and I served as the Admissions Director for the Oral Roberts University Schools of Medicine and Dentistry until their closing. I then worked with “troublesome” teens and their parents for a few years after which I entered the field of aviation, where I now serve as as avionics technician at Autopilots Central. Bobbi has been in real estate, automobile sales (past 15 years), and has just returned to real estate as a new construction representatve for a local new home builder. We’ve both played baseball and fast pitch softball for many, many years when we were still strong and quick enough. As the years slowed us down a bit, we’ve spent many weekends racing sailboats (Sunfish, Coronado 15, Catalina 22 and Catalina 25’s). We also do some motorhome exploring and I can be found on the air in the Amateur Radio Bands as AD5RC (formerly KJ9R). I’ve been involved in online racing since just after the Hawaii stuff and, as you all can see, I haven’t improved much, but I do have fun! Like several others here at Christian Racing, I was just tooling around looking for another pick-up race when I came across the christian racing server. I was immediately overjoyed. No foul-mouthing in turn 1 on the first lap wreck (in fact, there was no first lap wreck), no ongoing foul arguments distracting those still running, no intentional wrecking and ruining the race for others, just a polite welcome and extroardinary courtesy as everyone blew past me every couple of laps <g>. WOW, I had to get in on this. To each member of this group, please accept my heartfelt Thank You for allowing me to be a part of this very special organization. I now have dozens of new friends, real friends, that I have not even met. I hope to rectify that at the next LAN event. We attend church services at Victory Christian Center here in Tulsa, under the pastorship of Billy Joe and Sharon Daugherty, Plese visit www.victorytulsa.org to see what our people are up to! |